0.8.11 Update

another quick update, in this case to adapt the default graphics to the new CoreRPG look introduced in FG version 4.4.3. Let’s see what it brings:

version 0.8.11

  • Updated default graphic assets (buttons, frames, fonts).
  • Updated Charsheet template.
  • Updated Combat Tracker template.
  • Updated Party Sheet template.
  • Added Theme template.

Updated default graphic assets (buttons, frames, fonts)

The graphics files have been updated to reflect the changes in CoreRPG in order to correctly design windows with the default CoreRGP look and feel.

Updated templates

CoreRPG project templates have been updated to match the new look and feel of FG 4.4.3.

Added Theme template.

A new template has been added to the collection, the Theme template. This template includes a complete reskinning of CoreRPG, with the minimum set of assets needed to modify the entire graphical section. Its purpose is to serve as an example base for new themes.

To use it in your project just use the Import Content button to import all the content of the Theme template.ext file (included in the installation). Remember to check the Copy files to project folder option so the Wizard can find and display the new graphics correctly.