0.4.4 and 0.4.5 Updates

The last two updates have been mainly focused on bug fixes and small improvements, let’s see them:

version 0.4.4

  • Added Link Field control to toolbox
  • Fixed a crash when opening windows with special characters in their names.
  • Font color has issues with 00 transparency in Unity client. Fixed.

version 0.4.5

  • Using the same file for two frames caused an error. Fixed.
  • Additional data properties not handled replacement strings properly. Fixed.
  • Avoid overriding of onInit function on initialization of Dropdown control items.
  • Avoid overriding of events in dice roll engine.

Link Field Control

Since version 0.4.4 you can see a new icon in the toolbox, the link field control. This was a widely used class, which deserved to have its own control to facilitate its use. Soon I will publish a video explaining how it works.

Avoiding function overriding

To work its magic, the wizard sometimes injects its own lua code into the ruleset. This allows the user to incorporate complex mechanics into his projects without having to write code. However, this mechanism uses the standard functions of each class, which prevents the user from writing his own code in those functions.

Starting with version 0.4.5, the wizard will detect if the user has used a function that is needed in the automation, and if so, it will inject its code right after the user’s code.