Working with lists video tutorial

In today’s new video tutorial we will see several examples to work with our lists: You can dowload the demo project here.

Dice and bonus rollable fields

In today’s video tutorial we will learn how to make some typical rollable dice and bonus fields.

Dice Roll Engine Tutorial

Today we launch a new series of video tutorials about the new Dice Roll Engine, starting with how to create your first dice rolls: 1. The basics 2. Handling roll results

New Video tutorial series by Damned

Damned, the legendary member of the Fantasy Grounds community and creator of several famous rulesets has just published a series of Ruleset Wizard video tutorials. Don’t miss it: Damned’s Ruleset Wizard video tutorials

Merging windows and controls

In today’s new video tutorial we will see how to merge windows and controls to modify existing elements in the base rulesets. We are going to see a typical scenario in which we will modify the main window of the character sheet, maintaining all the original functionality. We will move the existing controls to make…

Continue reading Merging windows and controls

Making of a rollable total field

In today’s video tutorial I will show you a typical usage of Number controls to create some bonus field with a rollable total (with a pretty straightforward LUA code). Sorry, the LUA code is blurred in the video for the most part, here is the code: Note that mod3 is declared as subtracting instead of…

Continue reading Making of a rollable total field

The Counter List control

Today we will learn the basic usage of the useful Counter List control: