0.8.1 Update

Version 0.8.1 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes, some updates to FG 4.2.2 and some important improvements: version 0.8.1 Center anchoring not working for Panel Windows. Fixed. Use of special characters in result file name caused an error. Fixed. Advanced development: windows, scripts and xml files as saved as separate .rwf files…

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0.8.0 Hydra Update

A new major revision is here, with important improvements in the interface anchoring features and a new template project. Let’s see what it brings: version 0.8.0 Hydra Keep order of controls when copying and pasting. Added Health Bar Colors property to Progress bar. Added Max/Min Height/Width properties for window controls. Added Center options to Horizontal…

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0.7.14 Update

Version 0.7.14 has just been released. It brings several minor fixes and improvements resulting from user requests. It also brings a new feature: Templating. version 0.7.14 Fixed new Underline Text property. Fixed some control renaming issues. Added Session API package to autocomplete. Inherit Size and Position not working por Window classes. Fixed. Added templating capabilities…

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0.7.13 Update

We have a new update with some improvements and changes to adapt to Fantasy Grounds version 4.1.14. Let’s see what it brings: version 0.7.13 Added onValueChanged event function to ProgressBar control. Added Empty Text and Font properties to window lists. Improved rsw_combobox template, store new dbnode with selected value. Commit changes to database when opening…

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0.7.12 Update

Version 0.7.12 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes and some improvements resulting from user requests. version 0.7.12 Select window control by default when opening window editor. Dice Roll Engine: Error handling rSource for NPCs with detail windowlist. Fixed. Set default names for new icons and frames. Added Encoding property to Ruleset Properties.…

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0.7.11 Update

Version 0.7.11 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes and some improvements resulting from user requests. version 0.7.11 Added some Core icons and frames. Added Charsheet Template project. Sometimes pasting controls created duplicated names. Fixed. Initalize body of new XML files. Added new rsw_combobox template with new getSelectedValue method. Group ruleset wizard templates…

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0.7.10 Update

This is a small update to fix some minor issues. It also brings a new control for the toolbox: the Progress Bar. version 0.7.10 There was an error moving elements in the ruleset explorer. Fixed. Dice Roll Engine: Change getActor (deprecated) for resolveActor. Dice Roll Engine: Error handling targeting on drag operations. Fixed. Sometimes frames…

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0.7.9 Update

Version 0.7.9 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes and some improvements resulting from user requests. version 0.7.9 Added option to onBeforeDiceRoll() to cancel the roll by returning false. Improved information of X,Y Coords of controls in windows designer. createDBChildOOB: Added value optional parameter to initialize the node. Dice Roll Engine: Added initial…

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0.7.8 Update

Version 0.7.8 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes and some improvements resulting from user requests. version 0.7.8 Added Hide Roll Widget property to number fields. Added RulesetWizard.createDBChildOOB global function. Added RulesetWizard.deleteDBNodeOOB global function. Added Tooltip and Tooltip Field Name properties to Windows. Added Minimized Icon property to Windows. Added option to exclude…

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0.7.7 Update

Version 0.7.7 has just been released with several fixes and some new properties and features: version 0.7.7 Added RulesetWizard.changeDBValueOOB global function Dice roll engine: parse Dice fields to allow their use in string expressions. Sometimes deleting a folder did not correctly delete its contents. Fixed. Improved behavior of the selection box in the window editor.…

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